// Said Suleiman
I take painting tools
to paint my picture
as a very gloomy victim of love
Permanent marks of dried tears
showing down my cheeks
for I cried all my tears for you
A beautiful flower you are
your scent kissing my nostrils
to bring effects in my brain
to make my heart pumping
the blood of life and death
for it’s you who decide my being
just leave me and let me die
but stay to let me live
your scent kissing my nostrils
to bring effects in my brain
to make my heart pumping
the blood of life and death
for it’s you who decide my being
just leave me and let me die
but stay to let me live
My saying I love you
is as if doesn’t have any meaning to you
for I said it and repeated it
million times at a time
but never matched to your heart
So I shall too take painting tools
to paint my heart
to show how my love is over you
because words alone don’t depict it clearly enough
but to show you too
how broken is my heart
how poisonous spear pierces
my real-loving heart into pieces
into deep hollow holes
which make me never to love again
never to love as I’ve loved you
Why would you lead me into wrong promises?is as if doesn’t have any meaning to you
for I said it and repeated it
million times at a time
but never matched to your heart
So I shall too take painting tools
to paint my heart
to show how my love is over you
because words alone don’t depict it clearly enough
but to show you too
how broken is my heart
how poisonous spear pierces
my real-loving heart into pieces
into deep hollow holes
which make me never to love again
never to love as I’ve loved you
broken promises?
made me to give you all my being
all my love and heart
knowing you would do the same
as you ever promised
but only to fool me
but you fool yourself too
for no one will love you
the way I did, the way I do
So I shall too take painting tools
to paint my heart
into two pieces cut
to show how incomplete I am
to show how a half man you left me
for you are my other half
then come back to make me complete.
Promises promises
sound nice from the start
They make us feel
good deep down in our hearts
Promises given
with benevolent intent
May ease life and
make it easy to pay the due rent.
But promises are
like double-edged swords so I see
Sometimes they
are deceptive guile, that they be.
Given with ill
intent so perverse and unkind
One may kill for
a promise
for what it’s
worth with eye blind.
One may offer you
your life’s dream on a whim
In exchange for a
favor daring or grim.
Plant drugs on
that man over there
and police may
arrest him
Put him away for
false reason.
Why should you
care if the promise is there?
The promise, a
new life in the states it may be,
A visa or green
card to change the life you would flee.
Do what he says
and you will soon see
The promise is
empty, not what it was built up to be.
No American visa
to send you there off
Just a pat on the
back for the favor…your loss.
Love promises
come straight from the heart
Promises made
under the spell of love
Potion #9 on one
or both with true art.
If love’s spell
breaks and the magic is gone
Love’s promise
may no longer hold faithful
And your true
lover may be gone.
His promises once
whispered in your warm ear
Like honey they
drip and you trust with no fear.
Asunder you heart
is broken that final day
He breaks love’s
promise and with you will not stay.
Forever to be by
your side in fierce embrace.
It becomes a cold
empty promise that one fateful day.
But promises are considered
good by me
Lost love soon
replaced with one other
Better or worse
we will soon see.
The empty promise
recognized at once in a flash
The deceptive
promise not convincing
Brushed aside to
burn and crash.
Be careful what
you promise in the course of a day
In a love that
governs your actions and ways.
Don’t deceive
others promising what you cannot give
In anger from
your broken promises few can forgive.
Be honest in
promising as sure as you may
Promise unto
others only
as you would have
them promising you today.
Bukini (ze Anonymous Poet)
promise is solid
these words I speak are true
I promise never to promise
a promise is something that Humans can hardly keep
promise not to promise that I’ll be a good friend
we hardly call one another
promise not to promise that I will be a good lover
even love said to me “There was Romeo and Juliet so who are you?”
promise not to promise that I will be the best husband
I being the best; you’ll be the less and this imperfect combination will mess
up the rest
promise not to promise that I will be with you forever
this mortal soul will have a taste of death some day
promise not to promise
promises always leads to lies
promise if you try me you’ll have to rewind this
I promise myself not to promise
promise me not to promise that you’ll wait for my promisesPROMISE TO LIFE //Thomas Green
At once a boy-child in
his mother’s arms
Her tender touch holds
promise of comfort and bliss
The child unaware as
his mother coos sweet sounds
With her warm
whispered breath
Passing across his
tiny face
He thinks his harmony
truly never amiss.
Adversity breaks the
spell of mothers touch
And the child suffers
from the ills that there be.
Illness makes his life
uncomfortable rough.
His suffering appears
to him never ending be.
Healed and healthy
once again,
The promise is once
again restored and he’s free.
Other malaise do strike
and strip this away
The promise once
thought sure as we pray.
Serenity is lost but
regained day by day.
Health is restored as
if from his mother’s touch.
The child grows healthy
strong and tall.
A young man watching
his mother with love.
He comes to his mother
with his touch as she lay,
In the clutch of a
lonely hospital bed.
He clasps her hand and
He whispers to her
that all will be all right
Though he knows it may
not be and he’s so unsure.
He promises comfort at
the end of her days.
He loves her with all
of his heart.
Tears wash his face
when he turns away
He wishes he could
protect her from that promise mislaid
Of life, good health, her
serenity, from deep in his good heart.
That promise is lost or
are we so mislead
By our mother’s caress
and long lasting touch.
It was never promised
forever to live
Nor to avoid pain and
trails on our way.
‘Tis a false that none
shall die at the end of a day.
Our promise is that we
have lived, loved, and be.
From death seeming wrong,
no one escapes,
And this we do finally
I am crisp, clean, ceaseless.
I am ripped, russet, repaired.
I am lost, earned, found, granted.
I am bread, wage, geld.
I was meant for you, but withheld.
I am not loyal. I am dearly loved.
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of.
ANXIETY DREAM // Thomas Green
I am crisp, clean, ceaseless.
I am ripped, russet, repaired.
I am lost, earned, found, granted.
I am bread, wage, geld.
I was meant for you, but withheld.
I am not loyal. I am dearly loved.
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of.
ANXIETY DREAM // Thomas Green
The stage is set and
here I am standing
Many look towards me
and wait for a word
On the stage with a
group of people I know
Thrust into my hands
was a script that’s now gone
But I cannot remember the
My lines gone from my
head, so absurd!
Once Upon A Mattress
is the play I see
Characters familiar
that I know inwards and out
Why is it the words
escape me at every turn?
I try to recover and
but there is no hope, no
not at all
My memory is gone like
a scent on the breeze.
Prompters off to the
side give me my cues with loud calls
What to say, I should
say, and I should know
What part is it ?
Where am I to stand?
I am confused and so
befuddled as a result.
What is it I am
supposed to say?
I am there as if in a
void all alone
My memory failing me,
Oh the stress I do feel and it gnaws.
My costume seems to be
in tatters
Frayed edges at every
seam do I see.
I try to fix it with
no good results.
How is it I cannot
remember my lines?
an embarrassment fills
me deep and wells inside.
This dream repeats
itself each time with new twists and new starts
At the end I awake as
anxiety riddles my soul.
As growing older my
memory slips away
Pieces of my puzzle,
puzzle me each and every day
Who was that? What actor?
It’s on the tip of my tongue. I should know!
Hours later the name
comes back or then again, maybe not,
But when it does I say
“hey Yah! That’s the one!”
Slipping in and out
names come and go
Where is it? What was
it? Why am I here? Who are they?
Our memories are what
make us who we are
Who we are slips away
as we grow old.
PROMISED // Mustafa
B. Sharif
You Promised to give
The time when you wanted
But you took and did not give
That was what you promised
That you will deliver
Oh! did you dare?
There was a promise
We all didn't want to miss
To see you as the special one
We wanted to hear
Your words very loud and clear
You Promised And Promised
But you are no longer our dear
You Promised to give
The time when you wanted
But you took and did not give
That was what you promised
That you will deliver
Oh! did you dare?
There was a promise
We all didn't want to miss
To see you as the special one
We wanted to hear
Your words very loud and clear
You Promised And Promised
But you are no longer our dear
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